As the Vienna Social Tour ‘El Valor de ser diferente // The Value of being different // Der Wert anders zu sein” has come to a close, we wanted to share some impressions with you, make a first statement, and express our immense gratitude.

The word «value» (‘valor’) in Spanish has several meanings, which we hope to have transmitted: firstly, it could mean «courage» or it could also mean »value». No doubt that both characteristics are essential for personal development and to build the society we want. We believe in each and every one of you, and that another world is possible.

This week has been amply demonstrated. We claim the value of being different. Our differences are an added value to the whole process lived in this past week, and we celebrate them.

The Vienna Social Tour was a first step towards the spring 2017, for a community cultural development and social inclusion encounter in Vienna. In it, we have found ourselves and known ourselves in a different way, we have woven networks, planted ideas, harvest fruits, shared meals, dances, images, dreams… All this will be summarized in a document that you will receive in late summer (first we need to digest it to put it into words).

How to give thanks in a different way, to express how much we value meeting you during these last few days  … All the light, immensity, colour, beauty, care, etc. resides within this image.



To all the people who contribute in one way or another, all contributions are valid and necessary.

Thanks to Alicia, Celia, Elena, Abraham, París, Cristof, Olivia, Zahara, Cele, Zósimo, Guido and Veronika (DreamTEAM & CareTEAM from Theater for Inclusion/ Artkolè)

Thanks to Ariel, Ronald and Stephi (Facilitation of the creative process)

Thanks to all people of social projects visited in the»Vienna Social Tour»:

Peter and Isa from Wien Foodsharing

Alex from M.U.T.

Joschka and Kathi from TdU Wien

Maria from LOK

Lisa and Claudia from Amerlinghaus

Yara from Gartenpolylog

Carmen from  LobauerInnen

and Carina from Lebende Werkstatt who created our original Map



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